The Art of Ann Spaulding

Biblical Theme Paintings: "It is Finished," Tryptic
Pen and Ink Drawings
Prophetic Art
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New Work Pg. 2
New Work #3
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Oil Still Lifes # 2
Oil Still Lifes #3
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Biblical Theme Paintings: Musical Priests
Biblical Theme Paintings: "It is Finished," Tryptic
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One day I was meditating on John 19:30 where He said: "It is finished." Suddenly, I saw the vision I've tried to portray below.

I was let to see the earth from out in space. The cross was seen planted in the Middle East. Jesus' blood ran down the cross and started to cover the earth with the redemption of the sacrificial lamb. Below, the demons who had power over mankind on the earth for thousands of years, were blown backward away from the earth because Jesus' blood broke their power. Immediately as soon as Jesus said the above words, and then died, a red line went  from the cross and traveled at astounding speed out past the galaxies. I saw angels standing above Him in blazing white light with their hands raised in triumph as if they were saying: "YES!" Then these words were imbeded into my consciousness: "The Blood spoke, and still speaks." I was led to understand that His blood will forever be effectively powerful.

"It is Finished" Oil
Tryptic 1 Earth

"It is Finished" Oil
Tryptic 2 Planets

"It is Finished"
Tryptic 3 Galaxies