Hi, welcome to my writing site. Hope you enjoy yourself perusing through it.
September 12, 2013
My, but it's been a while since I was here. But the news is that I have published 7 books so far as well as created
covers for 4 of them. Wow, right? Two of the new books are collections of my prose-poetry in two very small volumes.
I created their covers, too.
I've got some children's stories I think I will polish up and publish on CreateSpace and Kindle. Fun. (This
year I'll not be writing with NaNoWriMo, I found it too exausting last year for me to do this year.)
See you later,
Ann, P.S. My books are now under my first name Cheridah.
August 25, 2012
'The Highwayman's Ransom' has just been published. It also has been published on Kindle.
April 2, 2012
My third book: "The Reluctant Artist" is published and available in the estore and amazon.com. Please click
the book link at left to order. Chapter one and two are included in the book link at left.
Yesterday I finished "The Reluctant Artist" Wahoo! 52,040 words, over by 2,040. So now comes the revision,
revision, revision so it will be ready to publish before June 30, 2012.
Now writing "The Reluctant Artist" for NaNoWriMo 11-11. Also trying to finish writing "The Highwayman's Ransom"
at the same time.
My book 'An Old Man Who Lived at the Bottom of a Tree' for 2009 can
be purchased now. Click on the book title on left to go to book page to click on eStore site.
"Anniehannah, the Princess Who Wasn't" for 2010, is published and can be bought on eStore or Amazon.com.
Click the title and be conducted to the eStore site. My friends say they love this book.
If you would like to check out my art site, please click "Art
Web Site" below. Also, you might want to check out my cartoon site: 'eMouse Tales' on the navigation bar to the
Standing in the Women's Prayer Side of the Wall |
Ann Spaulding at the Kotel, Jerusalem |
August 1, 2011: "Anniehannah" was published on my birthday, June 30th! Whew, glad that's done.
I'm continuing writing my next book: "The Highwayman's Ransom." It is fun to write in a setting one has not lived
in. The research for this book and Anniehannah has been fun. I hope my next NaNoWriMo book is one I call "The
Reluctant Artist" which is set in the same time, the 1400's. Sometimes the book I hope to write isn't the one that I
finally do write.
I'm also getting a book of my prose-poems ready to publish, too. Watch here for an update on these books.
June 16: I entered Amazon.com's Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest. I didn't win, but received
a gift for entering the contest of a free offer for a proof copy of any manuscript I have ready to publish. Since I
already have a free offering for Anniehannah, I think I will publish my poems. We'll see.
March 11, 2011: Can't believe it. I'm just finishing the last revision of Anniehannah. Hope
to get it to CreateSpace publisher soon. Will let you know when it is available.
November 23, 2010: New Book: "Anniehannah, the Princess Who Wasn't" was finished today. Revisions are coming
up before it can be published. Wrote it in 23 days instead of 30; ended with count of 66,513 words.
August 12: set up an 'eStore' account on this site under the book title page with a link where people can order
the book.
August 11, 2010: Got the proof and revised it, sent it back to publisher, got another proof, sent it back, now
the book is on Amazon.com, just type in my name and there it is. Sent an order to the publisher for 6 books and
they came within 8 days! I autographed them and distributed them to the persons who paid for advanced
July 6, 2010: My book has been printed and is on its way to me. Can't wait to see it. Can't believe
the PERFECT cover I chose from several suggestions, for the book--A forest with an all-over Lavender color (my color).
Click it's title on the left to read the first chapter.
July 1, 2010: Just ordered (1 copy for free) the proof copy of my novel An Old Man Who Lived at the Bottom
of a Tree. When I receive it on the 16th I may order more or revise it and order proof again. The cost of book to
me is $9.78 ea. If I want, I can sell on amazon.com and on eStore. The price there will be $19.95. Soon I
will upload for view, part of Chapter One.
November 30, 2009: I am now a winner of the NaNoWriMo group having written 51,627 words for the month of November,