How come I like to write?
Well, maybe it's in my genes. My great-grandmother wrote poems, my granddad had a newspaper, and my mother loved
to write. None were published, or so I think.
My son, Vic, has two books published on collectible posters. "Great Rock & Roll Street Art" Scriffer Publishing
and "Great Street Art: Regae, Blues and World Beat" Postors, Scriffer Publishing. If you want to check them out, do
a search of Burleigh, Vic.
I started writing prose poems and then some book ideas came to me. Then I decided I needed training in writing
so I enrolled in the Children's Institute. Two of the stories I wrote for them as exercises, are included in this site,
Dedan and Bridget.
My great-grandmother's poem is so good I decided to copy it for this site. I even wrote music for it. It's
called "The Flowers O' May."
I discovered NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) November 2009. I decided to take the challenge and write
a novel in November and out popped "An Old Man Who Lived at the Bottom of a Tree." I was awarded a free proof
paper-back copy by CreatSpace and it is now printed. See my home page for more info.
Since then, you can see on the bar to the left, I have written two more books with NaNoWriMo. I am thankful to
these wonderful people and also to CreateSpace who publishes them.